The Data Stack Trace shows, in descending order, the scripts last invoked before the crash, with the numbers appended to each script name pertaining to the node number of the DTB in question. Rather than freezing the game silently, an error message, a Data Array (the game's internal scripting language) stack trace, and a code stack trace will be displayed on a game crash. (To use the II executable, both the executable and the drivers MTAPMAN.IRX, SYNTH_R.IRX, USBD.IRX, and USBKB.IRX from this disc's IOP folder have to be copied onto a II ISO, replacing that game's normal executable.) Both of these executables are fully debug-enabled, enabling the use of keyboard and controller cheats, warning on benign errors, and terminating with a full stack trace on crashing. The raw disc transfer comes with two ELFs in the root directory, SLUS_215.86, which is the one loaded by the game and matches the 80's final US disc ID, and SLUS_214.47, which matches Guitar Hero II's US disc ID. This is a sub-page of Proto:Guitar Hero Encore: Rocks the 80's.